

Monday, December 29, 2008

What a great X-Mas!

Christian, Iz, and I are so lucky to have so much family around for Xmas. I couldn't imagine Isabella's first Christmas being more special! Thank you everyone for such great memories.

She was showered with great gifts this year and couldn't get enough of them! she played and played until she was pooped and passed out! lol

Here is our angel, the one Christmas present I will be thankful for my entire life!

Will this little angel ever grow hair?? I have hundred of bows but no hair to put them in....only time will tell I guess...

Thanks Gammy for my very first Cell Phone!
Thanks Aunt Nanc for my own Bubba!
Thanks Grandma Coco for my Rockin Ladybug!

I luv paper!!! it tastes so good!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Milestones....she sits and eats!

Rice Cereal Ped told me that once Isabella showed interest in table food that it was probably time to start some rice cereal. Since she is still exclusively breastfeed they normally say wait until she is 6months or close to it for solids. However, for the last few weeks, I can't eat anything without her trying to take it out of my hand. So, I have been really tempted to start her on rice cereal a little early.

We went to the doctors last week (catch up on some shots) and he told me that I could start rice cereal at anytime and just start veggies at 6 months. So, this morning, I decided to give her rice cereal. What an event! I really struggled with this....every time I scooped the rice cereal into her baby spoon (it would fall all over the place, it was really runny) then I tried to put the bowl under her chin, NO good, she grabbed the bowl. What a mess! I took a video of her first meal, but my arm was in it the whole time...he he he. Tomorrow Ill try to catch it on tape....Here is Iz in her big girl charge at the kitchen counter!


2nd Milestone/Sitting: Over the course of the last few days, Isabella has learned to sit up on her own, kinda. She isn't a pro at it yet, still struggles sitting on the bed (she tips over when something catches her eye), but has sitting on the floor down! We are so proud of you my angel ....look at her go....(she had no support in this picture) what a big girl!

Iz and all her buddies!
V align=center>(Kaylee, "Hud-man", "Can-man", Hannah, Alyssa, "Gia", and "Ella B")

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Well, I know most parents think their child is the funniest, cutest, smartest, what have you...and I am no different. Iz is the funniest little girl and is really developing a cute little personality.

Her favorite things this week...the Cat (OMG, the poor cat), the dogs, her training sippy cup, and of course her Rainforest Jumper!

Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to flip the video...

I wish you could see her face when she sees the cat...the noise she makes though is pretty funny. I will try to get it on film again later...


We're back! The last several weeks have been crazy...but the holidays always are, and I luv every bit of them!

This year Thanksgiving at Christian's parents house was a little different than last year...or at least there were more of us there to celebrate...2 new additions actually. It was really nice to get the entire fam together for a great shot of the cousins, Grandparents, and Great Grandpa George.

I must say we have A LOT to be thankful for, and having a great family is just the start!

Grandma Coco (just for you Jen!) and Iz.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

No internet

sorry for the lack of posts...I don't have the internet right now! we'll be back on Monday!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dr. Appointment

Update: Isabella, Gammy and I went to the doctors yesterday.

She is one healthy girl!

15lbs, 15 oz 26inches tall. She is 80% percentile across the board.

Random Shots...

I can no longer leave her just lying on a bed without making sure she is barrcaded in! she flips back to front, and

I'm a big girl!

Well, I am happy to say that I FINALLY did it! She is sleeping in her crib in her own room!

The last few weeks have been a little different than normal because Isabella is teething a lot. Lately, she is not sleeping as soundly as she has in the past and her sleeping right next to me in the co-sleeper was NOT happening anymore! It seemed like every time I moved she woke up a little and every time she moved I woke up. So needless to say, it was time for us to stop the co-sleeper and move her on to bigger and better. The first night she slept in her crib she woke up once at 2am and didn't want to go back to sleep. I nursed her for 1.5hours! Yes you read that right, she ate for 1.5 hours. Well, she feel asleep at 30 minutes, I put her down...wide awake, nursed her some more (she normally falls asleep this way)..30 minutes later I tried to put her down again, wide awake....nursed again, 30 minutes later I tried one last time to put her down, and you guessed it...WIDE awake. I then decided to try to let her figure it out on her own. I went to my room watched her on the monitor and within 5 minutes she moaned herself to sleep. Last night, same thing. She woke up again at 3am I nursed her until she was asleep put her down, and you guessed it! awake...I left her in her crib and within 3 minutes...asleep! Oh, and I only swaddle one arm..I know, it sounds funny but I want to ween her out of the swaddle.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today was a great day for me. Isabella for the first time laughed!


The last few weeks Iz has been teething like crazy! not only is she experiencing your standard milestones of putting everything she grabs in her mouth..she is biting everything, drooling uncontrollably, and now LOVES her frozen teething toys. I looked back into Christians baby book (I don't have one, and Christian's mom was so good at documenting everything) and at 4 months 10 days Christian got his first tooth. Apparently, teeth are some what genetic so based on that, it does appear that she may be getting teeth before we know it!

Ill keep you posted! We have a doctors appointment next week so only time will tell.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hilarious! I can't get enough of this little girl!

She is too cute! Here is Isabella and all her new toys...

Her new voice!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who do I look like?

Lately, I have been seeing a lot more of Christian in Isabella. and then she throws a curve ball and she looks just like me. So, I dug up some pictures of Christian and I as babies...and I must say she does look a lot like me....however, she was a spitting image of her daddy when she was smaller...maybe she will change again....only time will tell....

Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween has always been a big event in my house and this year, it was not any different! My mom and Leanor went all out this year and Isabella was just adorable! Here are a few pictures of our day at Irvine Park.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another toy...

She now likes her Bumbo...and her freaky little hand puppet....

A day of firsts...

Isabella and I have been going to my parents house everyday (M-F) so I can get some work done and my parents and Leanor watch Iz for me. I take breaks but I can get a few hours straight of work in, and Isabella is making some really important connections with her grandparents. It works out for all of us.

Today, Isabella and Gammy wanted to take advantage of the last bit of sun before the winter weather kicks in, and went for a dip in the pool. Well actually the jacuzzi. We turned the heat on to about 86 degrees to make it a little cooler than bath water, but warmer than pool water. I missed the beginning of it, but she didn't so much like the colder water at first. So, Grandpapa increased the temp by a few degrees...and whalla! she is in love!

One of the funniest things though is Isabella went in with a diaper. She has like 10 bathing suits but we thought it would be easier for her to go in like this for her first time. She did look cute in her bikini....not to worry though, she will have plenty of pictures of her in a bathing suit from Costa Rica (only 24 days away!).

Here are a few pictures of Isabella soaking up the rays!

Her toy that Leanor bought her! Thanks!
My mom and I were finishing up a few things, and Isabella wouldn't sleep longer than 30 minutes in her crib (she was exhausted and needed a longer nap). I was trying to work, so my mom rocked her to sleep but after 10 minutes, Gammy's back hurts so we needed to do a trade off. The issues was that I needed my hands to finish working. I remembered that I had this in my diaper bag so I thought we would try it out. She liked it. She slept for another hour in this!

Friday, September 26, 2008

I know I know...

so I haven't found the time to update my blog a lot these days. Isabella and work has kept me really busy. I also forgot my camera at a friends house, but lucky Gammy has a camera in Iz's face all day! lol
Iz is getting so big. She loves to smile (no laugh yet...but I can't wait for it) coo and make all kind of noises. She now grabs things and tries to put them in her mouth. She can't quite figure it out though so she just kinda slobbers all over it. She has 2 favorites toys, her little bear (I call her "wubba wubba" not sure why) and her little cholita from Peru.

Here are a few shots of my angel...

Isabella and her Cholita
I think we have another "Us Weekly" reader...
At my house I generally rock Isabella to sleep, then put her down. My mom though just puts her in her crib and this is what she looks like in 20 minutes! WTF. For the record, Iz would never never do this for me. Maybe I should have bought the same crib my mom has...he he he (oh, you can see Isabellas Wubba Wubba in this picture) she loves him.
Playing in her crib

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Congrats to Jess and Trav!

Today 2 very close friends became parents! Both mother and baby are healthy and he is just precious!

He is blessed with a wonderful family and lots of auties! lol
He got his mommy's big eyes! Congratulations Jessica and Travis. I can't be any happy for you both.

6lb 12 oz 20 inches long!