

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

18-19 week appointment

I had my monthly appointment yesterday with Dr. A for "lil Sully" (Isabella's new name for the baby)...last week it was Simba. Anyhow, Dr. A said I should bring Belli with me so she can "connect" and see the baby swim around and grow in my belly. She absolutely loved it.

I don't think she really knew what she was exactly looking at but she was excited anyway. Too cute.

Lil Sully is already measuring 1 week ahead of what he should be fun! Doctor said if all goes well, we should expect a 9.5-10 lb baby. Good lord!

It has also been confirmed that we are having a BOY!

12 days until Christmas!!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

My mom always has all of these great activities for the kids...okay not all are "great" example the "fair" was a craft fair and not actually a "carnival fair" which is what we thought when we arrived kids in I think after this event she has officially redeemed herself!

Even Christian came (which is odd considering he too was part of the "fair" and has lost all confidence in my mom and I). Either way, it was GREAT! The kids absolutely loved it and it was so wonderful to see their reactions. It really kicked off the Christmas season for us.

Thanks Gammy! you hit is out of the park with this one. Belli's is still talking about it! Every time she hears Jonah whine she reminds him with "Come on bud! you just saw Santa...and asked him for presents" so hilarious!

Here are some pictures of the event!

Walking in like he owns the joint!
Told you dad was there...anything for a big breakfast! :) just kidding.

Jonah doing what he loves....eating!

They called all the kids to the front of the room and asked them to shake their bells so Santa would know that they were there.....

Where is he? Looking around just couldn't figure out where the "HO HO HO's" were coming from!
I think I see that him?? It is him!!!! She was so happy it almost made me cry....her reaction was so genuine I will never forget it! "HI Santa" ........Even Jonah wanted a piece of Santa (he literally made a mad dash for the stage) Singing a song with Santa.....he performed a few songs, all songs that Bellis has learned at schools so she was having a field day! Okay, so this is a weird picture. The had a Balloon Performer after Santa. He did lots of different things for the kids...made some serious crazy things for them out of balloons! Reindeer, snowman, was crazy. Belli was still at the front with the other kids and Jonah and I took a seat back with Christian at the table. All of a sudden the Balloon man got eaten by his "pink balloon" see above. Needless to say, Christian grabbed the camera and took a picture. Classic.

I took 11 pictures! 11! and NOT one of them has either kid looking into the camera!! Really?? Jonah wouldn't even bend to sit on Santa's lap and just wanted to stand next to him...which obviously didn't last long! I'm outta here Santa!
Finally the only one they are looking into the camera......

Merry Christmas!!! 13 days to go!


Another great start to the holiday season!

We even took a family photo! I may have 2 in 2 years! Terrible!!

1 thanksgiving: My aunt and uncle do a large celebration at their house with all of the cousins. Remarkable out of 10 cousins (all over the age of 30) we only have 4 grand kids between us all. So, lots of adults (which is also nice) and 4 kids running around (which is also nice).

Needless to say, it was a great time and we got to have some great conversations with those we love dearly.

2nd thanksgiving: Every year Grandma Coco and Umpa put on thanksgiving at their house. It was a lot of fun and great to see how all of the kids ages 10months -15 years old interacted. The younger ones seems to enjoy playing with one another, running all over the house, in and out from the game room and the old kids....seemed to have graduated away from "the play room" and on to the couch to talk movies, latest events, etc. It is just remarkable how fast kids grow!!

We tried to do the grand kid picture...which wasn't easy...but here is the best I got....

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Secret Post/Another baby!


So this post won't actually post for months to come, but I thought it was important to really document everything that is going on right now. I didn't do so well with my pregnancy with Jonah, but I vowed that this one would be different!

1 week ago today I just didn't feel right and started to really think ... "could I be pregnant" most of you know that read this blog, fertility issues are no stranger to our household. I had IUI to conceive Belli and Jonah, although we didn't formally do the IUI, I had started everything to prepare for it (testing, labs, etc.). Both pregnancies I struggled with progesterone and needed to do injections....blaa blaa blaa. Anyway, so back to "could I be pregnant"....I went to CVS and got a test...secretly purchased and taken because my family and husband would seriously crap their pants big time! me....I had just one emotion ---- SCARED! Scared that it might be positive, scared that it might never be positive again....I don't know. I was all over the place.

Anyway, so I took the test. Now, for someone that has seen WAY TOO many negative pregnancy tests, although it was not a screaming positive, I knew something just wasn't right (or negative) about the test outcome. Anyway, I decided to call the doctor and get a "real" test.

And here is where the roller coaster ride starts.....

I went in on Tues. Sept 6th and got labs work only done. Because of my history with progesterone, if I was pregnant I need to start supplements stat. Anyway, so I got a call a few hours later...okay, so maybe I called them because it had been 4.5 hours and the results were supposed to be in 4 hours later...but whatever, :)

Anyway, I called and spoke with one of the nurses at Dr. A's (doctor that delivered Jonah). Jan said that my results were a "mixed bag" ummm....what the hell does that mean?

She said that my levels were really low (HCG 44 and progesterone 16) for the date of my last period and she wants sure that I had a viable pregnancy or if this was an "old pregnancy" that hasn't completely removed itself from my uterus. Fun....can't wait for this conversation to end. Anyway, she said that she wanted me to come in a few days later to check the levels again. (the HCG should double if not triple). She also started me on promitrium (oral progesterone) just in case. I went in on Thursday and to my surprise the levels came in better. HCG 145 and progesterone 39! she said she wanted to see me again and wanted me to come in on Monday (yesterday) to see what was going on.

So yesterday...what a mess. My appointment was at 3.30 with the nurse practitioner. Christian and I got there at 3.20 (and our wait started). 1.5 hours later....the NP came in. Really 1.5 our to see an NP? That is crazy. Anyway, we she did a general pap and then we went in for an ultrasound.

At this point it was late....I'm sure the NP wanted to go home as she too had a very long day. She started the u/s and was like...."um...I don't know, let's see....ummm, it's so early...I don't really see anything....maybe that is it....yeah looks like a high were your levels?"

At this point what was going through my head..."are you F'in serious! isn't it your job to know what the hell is going on? what are my levels? did you ready the f*cking chart? is this really happening.....AGGGGG!!!!"

Basically the appointment ended with me re hashing my entire fertility story to her...meanwhile she let it go through one ear and out the other....I told her about my weekly monitoring (not necessarily for an u/s but a least lab work for my progesterone!).....she yes'd me to death and said..."go schedule your appointment for 2 weeks from today"

STOP! did you not hear what I was saying? seriously? I HATE DOCTORS! at least sometimes. :)

Anyway, after much deliberation, I decided to call Dr. Werlin to see what his thoughts were. Am I okay to stay and just ask for a standing lab order...or do I need to go home...I mean back to doc Werlin. I called his office at 7.15 this morning and Sandy answered the phone. Told her who I was and her immediate response..." Hey Claudia, how are the kiddos?" Why can't all doctors be like this? My appointment is at 7am and I am back in the car at 7.15?

So therein lies my dilemma. Do I stay or do I go back? ...


Got a call from Werlin's office and he is so kind! I just love love love him. Anyway, he did say that we needed to have a standing order to get progesterone tested on a weekly basis. He had all the faith in the world in Dr. A's office (and for the record Christian and I do's the NP that we question). Dr. A we stay....


More results! So now that my arm looks like I have picked up a mean heroin addiction...seriously after 4 blood draws in a few days my poor arm can't take it anymore....moving on...Jan called me this morning. from Dr. A's office. Different NP than Monday's debacle.

HCG: 1595 (in line with 5/6 weeks pregnant)

Progesterone: 20.8 (I don't like that at all, although she seemed to be cool with it...)

So even though my progesterone levels dropped off some, Dr. A wants me to continue the promitrium (spelling?) until we test again Monday. If they continue to drop, needles here we come. (Is it weird that I would just rather do injections? weird how your brain gets comfortable with what it knows....)

Until Monday!

Side note: how is someone that leaves your entire arm black and blue from a small blood draw still employed? what makes one good and one suck!?!?!?


Went in for my weekly blood draw...waiting really sucks. I can't believe I have only known about this pregnancy for about 14 days! Lord. It feels like I have carried around this little secret for months and months!

HCG: 16,000+ in line with 7 weeks! only 33 more weeks to go! lol

Progestorne: 65

Now we wait until next Monday when we get to see Dr. A and our little buddy we got growing in there...


Yesterday was our standing blood draw day and first "real" doc appointment with Dr. A! Both HCG and Progesterone looked great (84k and 54)! Not to shabby!

On to the good part...the ultrasound (u/s)

It is always a little stressful for me to have an u/s, especially during the first few months when you can't feel the baby move at all. I have probably had 40 u/s during the last 2 pregnancies and the only 1 u/s I remember is the one from 9/10/2008 when we got the awful news that the baby stopped growing and the heartbeat had stopped. Weird how your brain refuses to let go of trama sometimes. Each time I look at the u/s monitor my eyes scan the screen for any sign of a flickering heartbeat...and it isn't until the doctor reassures me that the heartbeat and baby look great that I actually start to breathe again. I must say that although having u/s for me is sometimes dreadful, I was lucky enough to walk out of the doctors office with my first official picture of Spaulding #3~!

Baby looks great and everything seems to be on track!

New due date: May 15th 2012.

Another appointment in 2 weeks......I'll try to post (upload, since I won't really post this for another few months)....that picture of baby #3

Oct. 11, 2011

Went to the doctors yesterday and everything looks great! I got to hear #3's heartbeat and it was strong and steady....perfect perfect perfect! Baby is measuring great....9 weeks down....31 to go! holy crapola...this is already the longest pg ever!

I have already gained 5 lbs which sucks but I am dizzy all day long if I don't eat every 2 hours. And I am not wanting anything but CARBS! it is pretty much a mess. Oh and happiness to this bambino!

in 2 more weeks we go in again to see Dr. A ...and get close to the end of this dreadful 12 week wait! Also, we do the high risk u/s on week 12 so that is always fun.....

Nov. 22, 2011

So it is the day! We are having a baby....obviously! lol

More importantly, looks like #3 is a .......................... BOY!!!! God help us all!

Scans of u/s coming soon!

Oh, and for the record, being pregnant 3 times in 4 years ....well I basically look like I am already 6 months along....anyway, here is to 16 weeks!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Maddness!

Jonah's First Hair Cut

Last week, my mom and I took the kids to Cut for Kids and got Jonah's first (and long over due) was eventful!

Jonah first looked very interested in sitting in the car and grabbed his lollipop and was a happy camper....then....the hairdresser touched him....and well that is where it all began....WOW.

So first off, Jonah and Belli couldn't be any more different. Belli is very trusting, loves all people, and is a really "easy" kid. Jonah, although he too is a love bug, he is a LOT less trusting of new people, old people, just people really. He doesn't like to be touched unless he is the one touching or poking you in the eye or something. It is really strange. Anyway, the minute the hair dress approached, the FREAK OUT started. We barley made it out alive, but thankfully the lady had super scissors and got his hair cut in 2 minutes.

Before and After:

Belli on the other hand is a pro. She loves to get her hair cut, washed, styled...the works!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Where do kids get this stuff? When the day seems long and almost too much to bear, things like this just seems to hit your reset button....

1. Walking into walmart:

Man by the door says: "good moring ladies"
Belli responds: "no silly, I'm not a lady, I am a princess girl...duh..."

2. Talking to my mom about the rain:

Belli: Gammy, did you know it rained today
Gammy: Yes mona, how come?
Belli: God decided it was time to wash all the cars

3. Me asking Isabella for advice:

Me: Belli, what am I going to do with your brother?
Belli: throw him in the trash mommy.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Jonah walks and Belli rides....

A few weeks ago Jonah just let go and started to walk. I was excited at first, now I realize I am in some serious trouble with this kid!

Belli is a great bike rider. My dad has rode his back by our house a few times, so now, when she rides....she just talks about Papo like crazy!

Too cute!

Bottles vs. Sippy Cup

When is a good age to ditch the bottle? when they start to walk? when they start to sleep in their own bed? when they start to drive? ha ha just kidding. At the rate I am going with Belli, she might be the latter...good lord!

In an attempt to not be in the Guiness Book of World records...I have been bribing and tricking her so I can get rid of the dreaded "baba." Belli is 3 and still doesn't want to give it up.
She only drinks a bottle before bed and at nap time and works to calm her down and put her in "bed" mode.

I have bought her princess cups (name the princess...she has it), elmo, tangled, cars, Winnie the Poo, Disney whatever....and nothing.

Maybe after Jonah gives up his bottle I can finally get her to give up hers!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tinkerbell/Car Bday Party.

This year we decided to throw the kids a joint birthday party. I was struggling with exactly what I was going to do since Belli was set on having a Tinkerbell party. I didn't want Jonah to look back and wonder "why am I wearing a peter pan outfit on my birthday?" so I went with a totally different theme for him...and the Tinkerbell/Cars party was created!

It was a wonderful party and we had a great time. The weather (although it was HOT) didn't get too bad until later so the kids ran around and had an overall good time.

Thanks to all that attended and made this such a special event!

Isabella turns 3!

Jonah turns 1!

1/2 Tinker 1/2 Cars

Tinker Table

Cars Table

Cup Cakes for both

My little Fairy!

My little man....

Angles that have stolen my heart!

Jump House never disappoints. I am pretty sure I could have bought one by now...silly me.

Brotherly Love.

New boat! Thanks Grandma Coco and Umpa

Jonah got one too!
Little Kaylee (almost one!)

We love to color! too bad it was so hot the crayons were melting!

Pinata time!

Candy and Toys!

Cake time (sorry for my was a long day!)