

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Big Bear 2010! Happy New Year!

Santa 2010!

Xmas Eve and Xmas Day!

SO Christmas this year was a little crazy!! It was really the first year that Belli understood..kinda...what Christmas was all about. I think we went a little over board though. Note to self for next year!

Christmas Morning! Checking out what Santa put in their stockings!

Santa's Big Surprise! (apparently though, Santa could have just wrapped up some of her old toys)

Belli's First Xmas Show!

Thanksgiving 2010

The kiddo's!
Poppo and his "mono"
Loving my Cousin! she is soo cute!

Halloween Comparison

My mom and I thought it would be fun to compare Belli and Jonah since everyone thinks they look so much alike.

Here are my little clowns....



Halloween 2010

Halloween this year was a blast! Belli really understood what was going on...or at least that people were going to give her "Choclat"

It was a total riot to see her march around saying "trick o treat, trick o treat, give me something to eat"

It was a little different than I remember Halloween being when I was a kid. I remember running around for hours and getting pillow cases worth of candy! My brother and I would visit what felt like 100 homes in one night. Now though, 2010, well I must say is TOTALLY different! Not 1 person came by our house...not a soul! Weird.

We didn't even attempt to go out in the neighborhood either. There was a HUGE event going on at one of the local strip malls so we went there. Complete madness but worth all of the trouble.

And after all the chocolate......CRASH!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It has been a LONG LONG time since I have updated the blog. I am so behind that I am not really sure where to start!

I received these pictures in an email from my sister in law and thought I should share.

This year we decided to take pictures of the Daddy's and some of the kids with some mustaches.

Too Cute! I promise to get on here again this week and update the blog! Happy New Year!