

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dr. Appointment

Update: Isabella, Gammy and I went to the doctors yesterday.

She is one healthy girl!

15lbs, 15 oz 26inches tall. She is 80% percentile across the board.

Random Shots...

I can no longer leave her just lying on a bed without making sure she is barrcaded in! she flips back to front, and

I'm a big girl!

Well, I am happy to say that I FINALLY did it! She is sleeping in her crib in her own room!

The last few weeks have been a little different than normal because Isabella is teething a lot. Lately, she is not sleeping as soundly as she has in the past and her sleeping right next to me in the co-sleeper was NOT happening anymore! It seemed like every time I moved she woke up a little and every time she moved I woke up. So needless to say, it was time for us to stop the co-sleeper and move her on to bigger and better. The first night she slept in her crib she woke up once at 2am and didn't want to go back to sleep. I nursed her for 1.5hours! Yes you read that right, she ate for 1.5 hours. Well, she feel asleep at 30 minutes, I put her down...wide awake, nursed her some more (she normally falls asleep this way)..30 minutes later I tried to put her down again, wide awake....nursed again, 30 minutes later I tried one last time to put her down, and you guessed it...WIDE awake. I then decided to try to let her figure it out on her own. I went to my room watched her on the monitor and within 5 minutes she moaned herself to sleep. Last night, same thing. She woke up again at 3am I nursed her until she was asleep put her down, and you guessed it! awake...I left her in her crib and within 3 minutes...asleep! Oh, and I only swaddle one arm..I know, it sounds funny but I want to ween her out of the swaddle.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today was a great day for me. Isabella for the first time laughed!


The last few weeks Iz has been teething like crazy! not only is she experiencing your standard milestones of putting everything she grabs in her mouth..she is biting everything, drooling uncontrollably, and now LOVES her frozen teething toys. I looked back into Christians baby book (I don't have one, and Christian's mom was so good at documenting everything) and at 4 months 10 days Christian got his first tooth. Apparently, teeth are some what genetic so based on that, it does appear that she may be getting teeth before we know it!

Ill keep you posted! We have a doctors appointment next week so only time will tell.