

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fair with Shell and Onrad

This weekend, Michelle and Konrad too Belli to the OC fair! I knew she would love it and with baby Jonah so little I didn't want her to miss out. Thank god for Michelle and Konrad. They offered to spend the day with her and take her all around. She was so excited that she talked about it for days before and still is talking about the "fant" (elephant).

Thanks for being such great Auntie and Uncle guys!!! We do you want to go next?? lol

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Isabella and Jonah

One of my biggest fears was that Isabella was going to feel less special once Jonah was born. Some people say that man toddlers regress and start acting like babies or that they just show no interest in their new sibling. Well, not our Belli!

She came to see us at the hospital the day after Jonah was born and she was SOOOO excited to meet her little baby brother. I don't know if she exactly understood what the meant but nevertheless she just couldn't wait to see him (my parents had her the night we stayed at the hospital so they kept showing her pictures of him). Anyway, my mom called me from the parking lot and told me Belli fell asleep and that she was bringing her up but that she was a little cranky.

I saw them all coming down the hall and I was so excited to see her. I missed her so much, and all these changes made me want to hold my baby. I grabbed her (still asleep) and walked back to my room. She started walking up once she heard Christian say something and said "baby brador" So cute!

She has been the best little helper! She makes me proud every day!

4 days old!

I was staring at Jonah the other day and decided to take some pictures of our little man. Here are a few of my favorites.

He was almost 4 days old here.

Monday, July 19, 2010

He is here!!

So last Thursday, July 15th, 2010 our SON was born!!!

I have been having contractions and lots of discomfort (the 95 degree weather didn't help) for the last few weeks. Since I have always been measuring larger than normal, I was offered the option to be induced. Plus, I was already showing signs of labor (90% effaced and a few centimeters dilated). Anyway, after a lot of thought, we decided to go for it. It was really nerve racking knowing that I was GOING to have a baby that next morning.

Anyway, I went home and got ready for the babys arrival. On Thursday, Christian dropped me off at the hospital with my mom (he had a juvy pre trial, so came later) and we got all the paperwork ready. We arrived at 9am.

I was nervous but was also really excited. We filled out the proper documentation and got admitted. Once I got all comfy, Dr. A came in around 10am and did a cervical check. Nothing much changed, so in order to get things going he broke my water. It was NUTS! with Isabella, the doctor also broke my water but this was not the same experience. Seriously, it was a LOT of water. My contractions started happening on their own and started getting stronger. We decided to wait until Christian got out of court..."just in case" to start the pitocin. Around 11 am they did another cervical check and I was at 4cm. Christian walked in the door and we started the pitocin.

OMG! well, they only gave me 2cc's in a drip to be absorbed in 1 hour. Well, I didn't need it or at least, I will never get it again! The pitocin sent my body into active and insane labor! I started getting contractions that were about 35 seconds apart lasting about 1 minute each. It was unbearable. I opted for an epidural about 1 hour after the pitocin started. Of course, I had to wait because the doctor was in a c section and couldn't administer the epidural. Anyway, finally he came in and started "trying" to place the catheter in my spin. I got an epidural with Isabella and I remember getting instant relief. Well, NOT this time!! He tried to find the "right spot" like 3 times and then finally found it. Unfortunately, my body was moving so fast that the epidural wasn't working. I was checked again (only 1.5 hours after the pitocin drip started) and I was dilated to 7-8. It was so insane that I really wanted to just quit and go home (like going home would have made a difference, lol). The doctor came back in and said I am going to administer a different type of epidural through this IV because there won't be time to re-do the epidural.

Long story short, it took almost 2 hours for the epidural to take effect. Jesus.
About 20 minutes later, I was checked again, at a 1o and ready to go. Doctor came in and within minutes....Baby Jonah was here! all 9lbs of him!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

39-40 week appointment

Today Christian and I had our last appointment with Dr. A.

I am currently at 2-3 cm dilated and 90% effaced. He stripped/massaged (didn't feel like any massage I have ever received) my membranes and I haven't stopped contracting since.

The contractions are stronger than the ones I have been having. Hopefully this is it, but something tells me....Nope! Anyway, Dr. A has me set up for an induction tomorrow and I think I am going to do it (but now the question is....will I make it?)

Either way, it looks like tomorrow we will see if we are having a lil man or a lil princess?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

38 week update

We went to see Dr. A today.

Pretty standard appointment. Weight checked: gained 1 pound (although it feels like I gain 11). Blood Pressure: Good; Fundal Height (not checked) Baby's weight: 7 lbs 14oz.

He did do a cervical check. Based on his measurements still looks about 50-60% effaced and 1 cm dilated. So no real movement. Shocker.

Dr A is so in sink with me that I didn't even have to ask him to strip my membranes. He did it anyway! Ya! It HURT though. I don't remember it hurting so badly with Isabella but then again this is a male doctor and I had a female doctor before. Maybe he is just stronger. I took it like a champ. I didn't want to say a word, afraid that he would stop. I figured this wasn't going to be as bad as Castor oil!

Anyway, we also got another u/s done. Baby S is HUGE! or at least looks huge. It is so crazy to see pictures of this baby. He gave us a few print outs and I have to upload them one day. A few of the pictures look like baby S is going to have a full head of Elvis hair! almost looks like a wig!

Until next week.....oh and he said he would do an elective induction if I want at 39 weeks. So next appointment....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Isabella Turns 2!

This past weekend Isabella turned 2! I can't believe how fast the years have gone by! She is getting so big!

We decided to do an Elmo and Abby (more Elmo than Abby) themed party since it is one of her most recent obsessions. The party turned out great and she had soooo much fun!

Thanks for of you that joined us to celebrate Belli's bday with us. We are so grateful to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends.