

Monday, September 12, 2011


Where do kids get this stuff? When the day seems long and almost too much to bear, things like this just seems to hit your reset button....

1. Walking into walmart:

Man by the door says: "good moring ladies"
Belli responds: "no silly, I'm not a lady, I am a princess girl...duh..."

2. Talking to my mom about the rain:

Belli: Gammy, did you know it rained today
Gammy: Yes mona, how come?
Belli: God decided it was time to wash all the cars

3. Me asking Isabella for advice:

Me: Belli, what am I going to do with your brother?
Belli: throw him in the trash mommy.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Jonah walks and Belli rides....

A few weeks ago Jonah just let go and started to walk. I was excited at first, now I realize I am in some serious trouble with this kid!

Belli is a great bike rider. My dad has rode his back by our house a few times, so now, when she rides....she just talks about Papo like crazy!

Too cute!

Bottles vs. Sippy Cup

When is a good age to ditch the bottle? when they start to walk? when they start to sleep in their own bed? when they start to drive? ha ha just kidding. At the rate I am going with Belli, she might be the latter...good lord!

In an attempt to not be in the Guiness Book of World records...I have been bribing and tricking her so I can get rid of the dreaded "baba." Belli is 3 and still doesn't want to give it up.
She only drinks a bottle before bed and at nap time and works to calm her down and put her in "bed" mode.

I have bought her princess cups (name the princess...she has it), elmo, tangled, cars, Winnie the Poo, Disney whatever....and nothing.

Maybe after Jonah gives up his bottle I can finally get her to give up hers!