

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Halloween 2010

Halloween this year was a blast! Belli really understood what was going on...or at least that people were going to give her "Choclat"

It was a total riot to see her march around saying "trick o treat, trick o treat, give me something to eat"

It was a little different than I remember Halloween being when I was a kid. I remember running around for hours and getting pillow cases worth of candy! My brother and I would visit what felt like 100 homes in one night. Now though, 2010, well I must say is TOTALLY different! Not 1 person came by our house...not a soul! Weird.

We didn't even attempt to go out in the neighborhood either. There was a HUGE event going on at one of the local strip malls so we went there. Complete madness but worth all of the trouble.

And after all the chocolate......CRASH!

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