

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Dinner with the girls!

Last night I went to dinner with a few girlfriends. It was nice to catch up with some of the girls since the last time I saw them they were the ones with the babies in their bellies! Oh how things change. As we sat at dinner and I looked around I realized I was surrounded by a table of mostly moms! A year ago it would have been a table of winos and instead of following dinner with decaf coffees and dessert we would have been taking shots of Patron and heading to another spot. Nuts! I guess I am turning 30...sometimes I think it is a joke, like there is no way I got here so fast, like I skipped a few years somewhere.

Cheryl brought her son Kai and it was cute to see his little personality. He is super mellow and just really took things in. Elle was also there, now let me tell you, what a cute little girl. Elle is a little remake of Haley (what a lucky girl). Brianna and Brandi fought over rights to share Elle, feed her, burp her, whatever. Too funny. All I kept thinking was, OMG in 5 months there is going to be yet another angel for them to want to hold and she is going to be MINE! I didn't hold Elle but I looked at her in amazement. Not that I didn't want to hold her, but she looked so darn comfortable on Brandi and B that I didn’t wanna disturb her. Plus, to be honest, I am really good with babies 6months and above. I'm fun aunt Claudia. The one that lets you through raisins in the air and singes "It's raining raisins!" (sorry Nicole). I hope that once Turtle is born I would snap into my maternal instinct, I know it is in there.

Anyway, M0nday I have my last ultrasound which is scheduled with my OB. This ultrasound is to measure Turtle's development and make sure everything is good in there. I am really excited to see her again. Only 3y6 hours left and Christian and I will be able to see our angel!

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