

Friday, June 18, 2010

Tick Tock....Tick Tock

Baby is moving like crazy in my tummy, but the size of this munchkin (or not so munchkin) is starting to scare me a little.
I hear people say, the baby just rolls around in there....not my child! The baby is actively kung fu'ing my organs! I would not classify these feelings as "butterflies or kicks" the baby seriously has Nunchaks in there, it is absolutely crazy.

After about 2 hours of karate on my lungs and liver I started day dreaming about my delivery day still 30 days away. is wrong to just want to hold my baby...sleep on my stomach, drink a LARGE glass of wine, wear normal clothes without elastic waist bands? or should I just be happy that I am still walking around able to play with Belli, friends, etc.?

Need a second or third wind to get me through the next few weeks...if sometimes life could just have a fast forward button.

I did start prim rose oil today. I took them with Belli (don't think it really did much to my cervix, just helped my psyche) so I started them with this baby too.

I have another doctors appointment on Tuesday (not sure what he will do at this appointment) but hopefully we will get to see what is happening then or not?

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