

Thursday, December 6, 2007

10 Weeks!

Well I must say, time is flying by...well not flying but I can't believe there is only 19 days until Christmas and only 13 days until I am done with my 1st trimester! Truthfully, I can't wait until my first trimester passes and my chances of miscarrying go down. This has created a lot of anxiety for me.

This week, like normal, we went to see Dr. Werlin to check the development of the baby and my progesterone levels. Everything looked good with both, and we couldn't be happier! Here is the latest pics! (I know the quality sucks, but I have asked Santa for a new scanner, so hopefully in 19 days we won't have any more blurry pictures).

Look aunt's and uncles, I have legs!

One another note, I also had a preliminary appointment (mainly to start up with the standard lab work required by the state) with my new OB/GYN. Dr. Robinson was referred to us by Dr. Werlin so if he trusts in her, so will I.

Well, I didn't get to meet her, but I did get to meet the nursing team. The head nurse was hilarious and did all she could to make me feel comfortable and like I was amongst friends. She had to ask me a series of she asked like this: "so do you shoot up? between the toes right, I am on to you girls" what! I just looked at her in shock, but we had a good laugh. I guess she is kinda right, like really what heroin addict in going to walk into a doctors office pregnant nonetheless and admit to being a user! Pretty stupid question!

She went over the protocol of what to expect and I left the office, and burst into tears! (hormonal remember). I couldn't imagine not seeing Dr. Werlin every week, hearing his voice, his laugh, he is my PATCH ADAMS! I can't do this without him. It is so weird how vulnerable you become and how much trust you put into a total stranger. After my mini panic attack, I called a close friend and made her tell me about her OB experience. You see, the nurse went over the remaining months and how and when the doctor would see me. She said Dr. Robinson would see me once a month, and we would do "an" ultrasound at 18 weeks (HELLO "AN" like in "ONE"). I must have looked at her like she had lost her mind. I mean, really, I am a fertility patient, I am high risk damn it! Test me Test me Test me. But, I then had to come to terms that I don't want to be high risk and since all this started all I wanted to be was normal. And here I am, being treated normally and I freaked. The nurse did say that she would do an ultrasound if it was needed etc but most of the time it is not needed.

Why I freaked: well one reason is because I'm just a little nuts, and the other is because I am really concerned with my progesterone. The nurse assured me that they could test my progesterone weekly but that the doctor would only see me monthly. See, after week 12 the placenta takes over progesterone production and most of the time the mother is no longer in need of supplementation. Catch that word...I did...."most" of the time. You see, that is not good enough for me! I need to know.

So what Christian and I have decided to do is to ask Dr. Werlin what we could and should expect from our OB. Are 6 dr's appointments and 1 ultrasound sufficient for someone like me? Will a doctor test my progesterone levels weekly? Am I being absurd??

Answers to these questions next week.

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