

Friday, December 21, 2007

First Trimester Done!

I wish I could say, where did the time go? But to be honest, I have felt these last weeks pass by with each second! It doesn't help that work is slow and my expectations are high. However, I am happy to report, that we have safely made it through the first trimester! These past 3 months have come with many pleasures, heartburn, bloating, and not to mention anxiety but it has been a journey that I hope to experience again! It was nice to finally be able to tell people why I had a sprite in my hand at the Christmas party, etc. LOL I know they were probably thinking something was up anyway. Anyway, this was a busy week...
Let's start with Wed. So Wed morning came and Christian and I went to our weekly doctors appointment. This was a little bitter sweet for the 2 of us. We were excited to see Turtle again and also excited to almost be past the "high risk" period...but then that excitement quickly turned into despair as we realized this would be the last morning I heard my name echo down a doctors office and Dr. Werlin would no longer be part of our weekly lives! I never thought for a second that I would feel amongst friends in a doctors office, but geez, sometimes that place reminded me of an episode of Cheers. I will dearly miss my Patch Adams! okay, I can't write about his anymore.
Let's move on to Thurs shall on Thurs. morning Christian and I went to UCI medical center for our first trimester screening. This is ordered for all Dr. Werlin's patients. The purpose for the test is to determine if the fetus has any signs of Tri 18 or downs syndrome. Since many of his patients are older, I think somehow this test became common practice. Anyway, based on just blood analytics that were done Turtle had a very low chance of either, and better yet, after the ultrasound the chances were even less likely! What a blessing from god! (oh, keep praying people! we are not done yet! lol). We got a really good ultrasound picture but like always, it is blurry! (soon, Christmas is only 4 days away, I will no longer have blurry pictures for you guys). I asked the technician is she could tell if we were having a boy or a girl and she was unable to tell. So, the wait continues on that front.
Check out Turtles legs!

This morning I took some belly pictures. Now, for whatever reason they are not doing me justice! or at least they don't look like I feel, crap, maybe they do!

3 comments: said...

YAY!! I'm so happy for you! You're past the roughest part. Congratulations to you and turtle!

carlyluckyx2 said...

I was able to find out the sex at 13 was clear as day...and you could def see one was a boy and one was a girl. So, don't let anyone tell you it can't be done. Keep trying and asking those techs!

Jenny Pogue said...

Amazing news! Congratulations to both you and Christian. I am truly so excited for the two of you! And I know the real reason you were not drinking at my birthday party (cheers). Merry Christmas and what a fun and exciting New Year ahead of us. All my love, Jenny