

Monday, April 26, 2010

7 months pregnant....and hurting

I haven't really been blogging lately and today it made me sad. I went back and read all about my pregnancy with Belli, how I was feeling, what I was doing day after day, and how I looked. It made me sad to think I haven't had a lot of time to document what I am feeling with my second baby.

Sometimes people even forget I am pregnant, sometimes I forget I'm pregnant. Anyway, I am 7 months pregnant and I am starting to struggle, well with everything. For some reason I am carrying this baby really low or what feels like really low. I have convinced myself that this baby may seriously fall out of me or I will go into early labor any minute. I have been having a ton of contractions which is why I went back to read all about my pregnancy with Belli. It doesn't seem like I was having as many with her. I can't even walk down the street without having a contraction.

I also started a new diet today. My doctor told me that I need to focus on proteins and stay away from white starches. So basically no more rice, ice cream. candy, etc. that not one of the benefits of pregnancy. I first thought that maybe my doctor (some skinny 35 year kidding, maybe 100 lbs soaking wet) had weight issues. She has told me a few different times that I am measuring a little large (about 2 weeks larger than I should be) and that this could be a really large baby. Of course, she also mentioned that I needed to watch my weight gain. What crossed my mind...."whatever, skinny %$#%" I know, terrible, I'm a little weight sensitive these days!! Anyway, I have already gained like 28 lbs with this baby....with Belli I had only gained like 17lbs. So, the doctor really isn't wrong. I am a little, okay, maybe a lot bigger than I can be. I just don't have the time I had with my first pregnancy. Working full time, taking care of Belli, making sure I still am a wife to Christian, leaves me with very little time for myself.

Anyway, I have been thinking about going on some type of diet, but it wasn't until this weekend that I realized that I just can't imagine gaining another pound, nor do I think my body can handle it. I woke up the other day and my lower back was DESTROYED! I couldn't move, walk, or lay down. It was awful. I think my body has hit a weight maximum.

So, today was a good diet day. I had my dessert....Jello. Yummy (not even close to my Fro Yo Brownie Explosion). Mind over matter.

I plan on taking some pictures in a few days (I haven't taken 1 picture yet and I am already 28 weeks pregnant!) Anyway, 9 more weeks to go.....OMG!

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