

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pregnancy Update

So we have had a bad run of OB's lately! We went back to Belli's OB down in Laguna but she had a large staff change and it just wasn't the same. After months of 1.5 hour waits to see Dr. R for a 2 minute appointment, among other things, errors, etc. we decided to move OB's and find someone closer to the new house when I was about 22 weeks pregnant.

I did some internet searches and found a new Dr. in Orange. Well, needless to say, after 2 appointments we just can't keep going to her. All I can say is that internet marketing can make a bad doctor look AMAZING!

Thank god we spoke to a friend that works at the hospital where we are delivering at (why I didn't do this before is beyond me!) and found out more about our "new" OB. Nothing like getting a "true" opinion about a doctor. Our was not a good assessment!

We now have another appointment with a different OB on June 2nd!

3rd OB in 1 pregnancy!! I swear I am not psychotic!

Anyway, we did get to see a Dr. (not our Dr. she was "not available" after we waiting 45 minutes to see her) they asked us to reschedule....and of course that was NOT happening! so I kicked and screamed until they brought in someone else.

32 week appointment: Measuring better this week. Only at 33.5. Gained 3 pounds since my last appointment 5 weeks ago, also good (I think my knees will only hold a few more pounds anyway), baby is head down, heart rate is above 140, proteins good.

Hopefully we have better luck with our new OB. Cross your fingers!

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