

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ranch Las Palmas!

I have been in need for a much needed vacation with my family! Just over adult life.

My parents, Christian, Belli and I, loaded up in the car and headed to Palms Springs. I did some research on some kid friendly locations and Rancho Las Palmas was one of the resorts that came highly recommended. Well, it was perfect! and just what we needed!

It has one of the coolest pools ever! The rooms were nice too!

We actually got rooms right next to my parents so it was great. We had dinners and breakfast on our porch and spent some great time together as a family of 5....We got to bring in our own food which definitely made this a budget friendly trip.

Anyway, Isabella was so excited to go swimming that she didn't sleep at all on the way up to Palms Springs. We got there around 10.30 and went straight to the pool. You'd think she went to bed early....not a chance! We left the pool around 4.30 to get ready for dinner....and Belli didn't hit the bed until 9.30 pm!!

She woke up the next morning asking to go back to the "beach." There is a little play area for kids with sand that leads up to the lazy river. What a weekend!

Ready Mom! Can we go now?
Hanging in the Cabana

Gammy and her Angel
Sneaking out of our room off to Gammy and Papa's room! (it is wrong that I didn't stop her! lol)

In my parents room!

Chasing the ducks in the morning outside our room.

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