

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dr. appointment

Well today I went to see our new OB GYN. We are now on monthly visits with her and to be honest I am still feeling like once a month can't be enough! lol

So the appointment itself was pretty standard. I went in, got weighed (so far no weight gain, I actually lost 3 pounds from the last weigh in only because I have been really sick for the last week), got some test results back and heard her little heartbeat again! It is so weird how reassuring it is to know that she is happy and healthy in there! I can't wait until I start feeling her move, so for nothing, just growing pains that come and go.

Oh, I totally forgot to mention, NO more injections! I stopped the progesterone injections last Thursday. Actually, I tried to get Christian to give me another shot on Friday, but he refused :( I got the levels back today and they are still good! Looks like the doctors were right after all. lol It was nice to know that my placenta is able to make the progesterone on its own.

My next doctors appointment is not for another month. So far we have scheduled a few different appointments. At 16 weeks I go in for some blood work to determine something or other then I go in for another high tech ultrasound at 20 weeks! Yes! Cant wait.

I will post another belly picture at 16 weeks which is only like in 10 days! where did the time go! nuts.

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