

Saturday, January 19, 2008


Today I went to breakfast with two girlfriends at one of our local hot spots. We chatted, ate, and played with Kai (Cheryl's beautiful baby boy). Cheryl had been telling me of this thing that a friend of hers had done on her that would determine how many kids you would have and the gender of each child. You use a necklace and if it moves in circles it is a girl, back and forth its a boy and if there is no movement, no more kids. (Its kind hard to explain but that is the gist of it). Here is where my skin began to call.

When her friend did it on her it predicted that her first born would be a boy (correct, it was), her second child would also be a boy, and then it stopped moving! Basically, the necklace detected she would only have 2 kids. They then did it on her husband, and you guessed it, 2 boys!

So she had mentioned it to me last week sometime and when she arrived at breakfast she wanted to try it out on me. If course I was game.

So she started the trick, first child...GIRL! second child boy, and then it stopped moving! CRAZY. See for those of you that I have talked about how many children Christian and I want, I have always said, if I have 2 healthy child of the opposite sex, we are done having or own biological children (maybe adopt, maybe just keep it the 4 of us), but if I had 2 girls that we would try for a 3rd. I guess there is no need.

Then we did it on our other friend. She, Jessica (the other breakfast partner) has had a dream that all of us girls would have boys (so far 2 have and I was the one that messed things Well, when Cheryl did the necklace thing, boom boy, and then girl, and then nothing! Exactly like she has always said! A lot like me she wanted 2 kids of the opposite sex and she would be done!

Skin crawling yet? it gets better. So after eating, I went over to my friend Nicole's. There I told her about what happened at breakfast, so we decided to try it on her. We did.
First born...BOY (and it is true, she has a 9month old son), second girl, and third boy!. And yes, you guessed it, Nicole thought about having 3 kids! Crazy.

The next one to test this on is Elishia! You are next girl! if it guess 3 girls in a row (although twins I guess show up a little differently...for ex. it would move in circles, stop and then start again!) I will lose it!

So for those that wanna know, call me! I'm still a little weirded out.

What are the chances that the necklace would guess the gender of all 3 of our first borns! (or soon to be born).

1 comment: said...

bring it on mama! i cant wait to see excuses for the twins....