

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Question to all readers!

Okay, so I am home sick today and I have been watching Take Home Chef. This show has set off an old craving of mine for Beef Wellington! I need it! I have been talking about wanting Beef Wellington for months (originally set off by Hell's Kitchen lol), but to be honest I have forgotten about it all together. But now, well now it is on the brian!

Where can a girl get a good beef wellington in Orange County? Help~ :)


Joannah said...

I've never even heard of Beef Wellington but I like saying it. I'll be on the look out for you, I just hope this isn't your only craving during your pregnancy or Christian is in troubel. haha!

The start of our family said...

You can get one at the Wild Rabbit by mine and Nicole's House. It's in the same shopping center as the Irvine Ranch Market. Cheryl

diana krupa said...
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