

Monday, October 29, 2007

Umm...I guess I was wrong?

Well, well...guess what all, I'm pregnant! Wait, let me say that again, yup! I'm pregnant!

I just can't believe it. It is so surreal. I mean, this has been a long journey but I am glad we are able to shut the door on the last year and venture into the unknown (hopefully full term pregnancy and a beautiful, healthy baby!

Let me back up. This morning I went to the Dr's for my scheduled blood test. I was a little disappointment by the results of last weeks tests, so all I kept telling myself this round was "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst" I mean, really, I must have told myself that 100 times this morning alone. When I went in, the nurse asked me if "I felt any different?" I told her, that I didn't really. Everything I felt the last few days I felt were figments of my imagination. For ex. last night, I was pretty sure someone had drugged me. Who knew morning sickness felt like a massive hang over! Anyway, so she took my blood and told me they would be calling the results in around 11am. I went to work, and life resumed as usual. Well kinda...I have a great circle of friends, that I sometimes think went through secondary infertility because they walked this journey right by my side, so I received a lot of phone calls wishing me the best. Thank to each and every one of you. I don't think I could be here today with out your constant support, oh and you too honey. :) So, I was on the phone with a client and my cell phone rang. I looked at the number and saw..."baby doc" on the screen. Oh shit (sorry, it was an "oh shit" moment)! I hung up on the person on the other line (darn, I don' think I ever called them back!) I said hello and a sweet voice said, "Hi Claudia, it's Cindy" OMG! Cindy, refer back to the poor nurse that was unlucky enough to have had to call me with the progesterone results last week....anyways back to Cindy. She said "Claudia, baby, I have great news, your pregnant sweetheart, I told you not to give up, and better yet the beta is at 407 (this is what they refer too when speaking about the level of HCG hormone that is present in your blood (released by pregnancy), anything above a 5 means positive for pregnancy). I was a little shell shocked. All i could do is start at my rosary that I had been praying on all day. I then asked her about my progesterone. She said that those levels were a little low than they liked (it was at a 16, they want it at a 20) and the Dr. Werlin (still sick!) wanted to supplement the progesterone. (almost got away, oh well, what ever it takes!) So here I am, pregnant. What a milestone. The ironic thing is, that this month would have marked 1 year that Christian and I were actively trying to get pregnant.

I still have only told a few close people. I don't think I could get through they next 8 weeks without each and everyone of them.

No more truth and time....the new saying is "Whatever it takes!"

God watch over us...

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