

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A little nervous!

So today I couldn't stop thinking about tomorrows appointment and better yet ultrasound. Actually, I can't believe I made it to today. I broke down yesterday and called the Dr.'s office to ask about these little pains I have been feeling..they probably think I'm nuts. Well, the nurse called me back and said that they pains I am feeling are really normal and not to worry. Was I hoping she was going to tell me to come in for an ultrasound, ummm...maybe. But, I am glad I was able to hold out. Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to see little turtles heartbeat! I really hope so. This will be one more milestone to hit during this torturous 7 week wait. Remember, I was DYING during the 2 weeks wait, now imagine 6 weeks more. OMG, the thought. I don't even know how I got through the last week. I mean really, I have known that I am pregnant for what 11 days! This is going to be a long pregnancy. (hoping so at least).

I must say though that this pregnancy is a lot different than the last. Which, I am hoping is a good sign. For example, I feel like I am on a constant rocking boat, better yet for my fellow I have a constant hangover (you know that one that wants to make you lay back in bed until it goes away), and the fatigue! Holy cow, the fatigue is intense. Now, this could be heightened by my little friend progesterone but around noon everyday, I seriously need toothpicks to keep my eyes opened. All the other stuff is pretty standard, except the fact, that I am pretty sure I am growing into a Chia Pet. Who knew hormones could make you grow peach fuzz all over...I'm hoping it's just the lighting...but I think I need to come to terms with the reality of more hair.

I'm so nervous that things won't go well, I guess I just need to think positive. I mean, my body is meant to do this, right? Turtle is a touch little guy and will make it! I just have to believe.

Well, hopefully tomorrow I will upload the cute picture of turtle and hopefully well see the little flicker of a heartbeat!

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