

Friday, November 9, 2007

Mixed Results!

So yesterday Christian and I went to see Dr. Werlin. I was a little nervous and my dreams didn't help. It is so weird how your mind works. I was obviously obsessing about the appointment and all the things that could go wrong and low and behold, my dreams were just all those thoughts and images. Yuck!

Anyway, Christian and I were waiting in the room for Dr. Werlin. When he entered I immediately started praying again, like praying at that very moment would have made a difference, but lately that is all I do. I have a rosary that I carry around, and every time I have bad thought or a bad feeling I pray. Well, I guess I am trying to stay positive and just hoping for the best! Well, he came in and we started the ultrasound, and...well we saw the heartbeat! I was thrilled. I does however seem like I am having a diamond ring does it not?

Okay, so let me tell you what you are looking at...the black hole now (it got so big) the one that looks like a sideways tear drop that is my uterus. The almost prefect circle is what the call the yolk sac. This yolk sac contains the nutrients for turtle as it needs to grow. The "diamond" basically the ball on top of the ring, well that's the baby. You can't see the heartbeat on this or where the heart is, but we say it on the screen. It was nice too see.

On to the not so good news. I got a call later in the afternoon about my progesterone. Well, the levels dropped again! They went from 39 back to 19. Frick! (you all know what I really wanted to say)! Well, the nurse said, not to worry that my body is just not responding to the oral medications and we need to switch to injectables.

We went to the Dr.'s yesterday afternoon so Christian, or should I say Dr. Spaulding could learn to administer the injections every night. The needle itself is crazy long. He was really scared but took on the responsibility like a trooper. Needless to say, my upper hip area is going to be sore and bruised for awhile.

I am just hoping that this isn't a bad sign and that everything remains healthy with turtle! I have called the Dr. and asked for an "extra" visit with him this week, he doesn't think it's necessary I am sure, but right now I need to be positive but I need the reassurance to do so. I haven't talked to him much more about it and we will decide today the plan for these upcoming days. I don't think I can wait until Thurs with all this going on.

So, we are no where near out of the woods! Keep us in your prayers!

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