

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Should good news be told before 12 weeks?

So, here is the question of the day... After 1 year of trying, when is it too soon to tell your friends and family that you are with child?I have wanted to tell people that we are pregnant and will be expecting our first child in July. But, I'm only 5 weeks pregnant. There is still so much that could or could not happen, that is feels too soon to tell people that you are in fact pregnant. It almost seems cruel to not share the news. I mean today for example, I went to a friends baby shower. I hadn't told anyone there (outside of 1 or 2 people) that I was indeed pregnant, although many of them know that we were trying to get pregnant again. I knew they were looking at me feeling bad that I had to sit through yet another baby shower. I wanted to scream from the roof tops: "Don't worry you guys, I'm pregnant, you don't have to feel sorry for me anymore!".

But what if I did tell them all and something did go wrong? I mean what is worse, the damage control of having to tell all those people, and all the people they told that you are no longer pregnant or having to keep the news to yourself when all you want to do is yell at the top of your lungs "I'm pregnant". And then there is also those people far enough removed that don't realize you lost the baby and then ask you how your child is doing a year later. AWKWARD!

Ultimately, when it comes down to it all, there are just pros and cons to both. So I guess the real question is, do the pros outweigh the cons??

I have been struggling with this question for the last few days. Do I or don't I? ummm...So this is what I have come up with. I figured, if something did go wrong would it not be my friends and family I turned to for support? so why not let them know our news. I mean, we don't need to put out a news bulletin (although I wish I could) but to let those close to us know, how could that ever be bad? And really what is the "true" reason to not tell people? for me, it is the chance of jinxing it. Do I really believe that is possible? No, it is in gods hands not in whether or not I told people before the 12 week mark. So for now, I feel good about telling those around me of our little miracle and have just asked that they "mums the word"

So to all those little secret holders, keep us in your prayers.

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