

Friday, June 6, 2008

36 week doctors appointment

So today I went in for my weekly doctor appointment. Our doctor appointments from now on consist of urine analysis, weight checks, fundus height measurements, and cervical checks.
Today was a little different because Dr. R also went over my results from last week. So far we know I am Strep B negative (good thing) and that the baby is still head down. She has been head down this whole time so this was no surprise.

Anyway, I am not sure if it is Turtle making it happen or the primrose oil helping stuff out, but today the doctor said I have made some movement. I am now 20-30% effaced! still no dilation though. Although this really means nothing (I can still be pregnant for another 30 days!) I was excited to know something was happening or at least my body understood that I will be delivering her at one point. lol

My Fundus height was measuring at 35 1/2 from 34 last Turtle is getting bigger!

Until next week...

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