

Friday, June 27, 2008

We have made some progress...

So today we went in for my 39 week appointment. I can't believe we have made it this far!
The last few days I have gone to bed wondering if tonight was going to be the night, but woke up feeling like I did the night before. I have had a lot of contractions but to be honest it hasn't been anything crazy so I just kinda went with it. Let me put it this way, I was not going to be surprised if there was no progress.

Well at today's appointment Dr. R did a cervical check and to my surprise I am now 2 cm dilated! YES!! My effacement hasn't changed much so there is not much to report on that forefront. (although she has recommended a few things to change that!) But any dilation is positive.
The only negative that came out of our appointment is that we realized the reality of Dr. R not delivering Turtle. She is going out of town for the 4th of July (the pleasures of a birth over a holiday weekend). Basically in order for Turtle to be delivered by Dr. R she needs to come by Tues. Trust me, no complaints here but I think it is unlikely. Either way we have hedged our bets and had my membranes "massaged" (stripped). I like massaged better! lol Many of my girlfriends have had this procedure done and it has worked for some. Since there is a possibility of another doctor delivering Turtle, we have an appointment with the that doctor on Wed. to meet him in case we go into labor over the holiday weekend. (so only 5 days until the next appointment).

So until then I guess! My doctor said normally massaging membranes generally works within 24-72 hours if it is going to work at all, ummmm.....

Oh and I am officially huge!

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